刘志,女,斋号望华阁、九方斋。汉族,1970年10月出生于浙江温州,就读于清华美院国画高级研究生班。温州市鹿城区六、七、八届政协委员,高级平面设计师、民建中央画院 院士、中华国粹艺术研究协会副主席、中国国际现代艺术研究中心研究员、中国书画研究院艺术委员会委员、中国人民艺术家协会会员 。 少时习画,80年代初受夏艺先生启蒙,自《芥子园画谱》入手,打下良好的绘画基础,后又师从前辈鹿城区美术家协会首届主席陈树冈先生习书学画有年,并受南京艺术学院博士生导师、文化部美术学博士生导师评审成员林树中教授的指点,收获甚多。多年来沉浸于此,追求于此,喜欢倾闻着墨香,协同笔端跟随着自己的思绪游山玩水,自得其乐。主攻山水,上追宋元明清,下探近代诸家,益见功力。兼南北二宗于一手,构图严谨,笔法细腻,境深意远,苍茫中有秀润之感。常居永嘉楠溪林泉小筑,山间寻幽写生,所作山水墨渖淋漓,既有明清画风,亦有现代意趣。 2009年作品《溪山无尽》被民建中央画院编入人民美术出版社出版的《民建中央画院作品集》; 2010年在市展览馆成功举办过五和斋五人书画联展并拍卖; 2011年6月,山水作品入选中共浙江省委统战部纪念中国共产党建党90周年、辛亥革命100周年美术摄影作品邀请展; 2011年9月作品《松溪放棹》被中国人民艺术家协会入选由中国文联出版社出版的《中国书画家三六五》精品台历; 2011年作品《楠溪山居图》荣获“炎黄杯”国际诗书画印艺术大赛二等奖; 2011年作品《春山悠居图》、《松溪放棹图》入编人民美术出版社《中国近代现代书画名家鉴赏》; 2011年作品《楠溪情韵图》荣获纪念辛亥革命100周年全国书画大赛金奖,并被评为“辛亥百年百杰书画家”; 2011年作品《入山曲》荣获第二届海内外知名书画家作品邀请展暨“侨光艺术奖” 大赛优秀奖; 2011年被中国国际现代艺术研究中心评为金奖艺术家,并荣获“当代书画艺术名家”称号; 2011年作品《秋山读易》、《云岭积翠》入选中国(温州)书画大展系列展·国画;2011年作品《罗列河山共锦绣》荣获第四届“神州杯”全国书画艺术大赛金奖;并授予“中华文化传承人”称号; 2011年作品入展浙江省“新星杯”书画大赛; 2011年作品《瓯越润墨图》荣获第六届“中华杯”全国书画艺术大赛金奖; 2012年1月,18幅作品入编中国文献出版社出版的《艺术·风范》国画卷,展示了大多取材楠溪江的传统山水国画。这批作品构图严谨,笔法细腻,境深意远,苍茫中有秀润之感,展现了中华传统文化艺术的精髓; 2012年《世界知识画报》第一、三期也刊登了她的多幅楠溪系列作品; 2012年3月23日由中国民主建国会温州市委会、温州市美术家协会主办的《墨润楠溪——刘志中国画作品展》。 近年来,作品多次入选中央、省、市、区书画展,并被多家收藏。 Introduction Ms. Liu, Zhi was born in Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province in Oct 1970. She named her studio Wanghuage and Jiufangzhai. She studied at an advanced class of post-graduates in the Academy of Art & Design, Tsinghua University. She’s now a senior graphic designer, and shared a series of title including member of the CPPCC Lucheng District Committee, Wenzhou Zhejiang, senior researcher of Centre of China (International) Modern Art, academician of Academy of Fine Arts of Central Committee of China National Democratic Construction Association, a member of Peoples Artists Association and member of Wenzhou Artiest Association. She leaned drawing since childhood and was instructed by several famous professors and artists. Her landscape paintings reveal both the style of the Ming and Qing dynasties and modern interest. 2009 Her work Xishanwujin was collected in Works collection of Academy of Fine Arts of Central Committee of China National Democratic Construction Association. 2010 She held a joint calligraphy and painting exhibition and auction with other four artiest in City Exhibition Hall. June 2011 Her works were collected in Arts and Photography Exhibition for The 90th anniversary of CPC and the 100th anniversary of the Revolution of 1911. Sept 2011 Her work Songxifangzhuo was collected in the desk calendar of 365 Chinese Calligraphers and Painters, published by China Literature & Art United Press. 2011 Her work Nanxishanjutu won Second Award in Yanhuangbei International Poem, Calligraphy, Painting and Seal contest 2011 Her works Chunshanyoujutu and Songxifangzhuotu were collected in The appreciation of Chinese Modem Calligraphers and Painters published by People's Fine Arts Publishing House 2011 Her work Nanxiqingyutu won Gold Prize in the National Calligraphy and Painting Contest for the 100th anniversary of the Revolution of 1911, and she was horned as one of the one hundred Calligraphers and Painters in past one hundred year. 2011 Her work Rushanqu won Excellence Award in second International Well-known Calligraphers and Painters Invitation Exhibition. 2011 She was honored as Gold Prize artist by China International Modem Art Research Center, and given the title of Modem Calligraphy and Painting Artist. 2011 Her work Qiushanyidu and Yunlinjicui were collected in Traditional Chinese Painting charter, China (Wenzhou) Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition. 2011 Her work Luolieheshangongjinxiu won Gold Prize in the Fourth “Shenzhoubei” National Calligraphy and Painting Arts contest, and she was given the title of Inheritor of Chinese Culture. 2011 Her works participate in “Xinxinbei” Calligraphy and Painting Contest, Zhejiang Province. 2011 Her work Ouyuerunmotu won Gold Prize in the Sixth “Zhonghuabei” National Calligraphy and Painting Arts contest. Here works were invited to many exhibition and shows in different level recent years, also were collected by many collectors.